Best Time of Day for Red Light Therapy

best time of day for red light therapy

At Infraredi, we often get asked about the best time of day for red light therapy. From our research and experience, both morning and evening sessions can provide significant benefits depending on your goals.

Morning sessions can boost energy and enhance performance, while evening sessions can aid relaxation and improve sleep. This article will explore these benefits in detail and help you decide the optimal time to use your at-home red light therapy device for maximum results.

What this article covers:

What Is the Best Time of Day for Red Light Therapy?


From our extensive experience, there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to the best time of day for red light therapy. Research indicates that both morning and evening sessions offer distinct benefits depending on your individual goals.

Early morning red light exposure can invigorate your day by boosting energy levels and enhancing alertness.

Conversely, evening sessions are perfect for winding down, promoting relaxation, and improving sleep quality. Both times have their advantages, making it crucial to align your therapy sessions with your wellness objectives.

Should You Do Red Light Therapy In The Morning Or At Night?

Morning Red Light Therapy

According to our research, if your goal is the best red light therapy for body or mental performance, morning sessions might be your best bet. One study found that red light therapy in the morning boosts ATP production, which fuels your cells with energy.

red light therapy morning or evening


This makes it an excellent pre-workout routine. The increased energy levels can help you feel more alert and ready to tackle the day. Morning sessions can set a positive tone for your entire day.

Night Red Light Therapy

On the other hand, if you're looking for the best time to do red light therapy for sleep, evening sessions are ideal. According to research, red light therapy before bed has been shown to enhance melatonin production, which is crucial for a good night's sleep.

Improved sleep quality can lead to better overall health and well-being. Evening sessions can help you relax after a long day and prepare your body for restful sleep.

Should You Do Red Light Therapy Before Or After Skincare?

This is a common question we get, especially if you're using the best red light therapy for wrinkles or skin tightening. From our experience and according to our research, it's best to use red light therapy before applying any skincare products.

This approach ensures that the light can penetrate your skin without any barriers, allowing for maximum effectiveness.

Skincare products, especially those with reflective or opaque properties, can hinder the light's ability to reach deeper layers of the skin. By using a red light therapy mask first, you allow the light to work its magic unimpeded.

when is the best time to use red light therapy


After your session, you can then apply your usual skincare products. This order can help maximize the absorption and benefits of both the light therapy and your skincare regimen.

Can You Do Red Light Therapy Every Day?

Absolutely! Red light therapy is safe to use every day. This non-invasive treatment has minimal side effects, making it suitable for daily use whether you're using it for your skin or you're looking for the best red light therapy for joint pain.

However, it's essential to listen to your body and adjust the frequency based on how you react. Everyone's body is different, so start with shorter sessions to see how you respond. Gradually increase the duration and frequency as you adapt.

Daily sessions can help maintain the benefits and keep you looking and feeling your best.

How Often Should You Do Red Light Therapy?

For most people, we recommend starting with 3-5 sessions per week. This frequency allows you to receive consistent treatment without overdoing it. Consistency is key to seeing the best results from red light therapy.

Regular sessions help build up the cumulative benefits, leading to improved skin health, reduced inflammation, and enhanced cellular function. Once you've achieved your desired outcomes, you can reduce the frequency to maintain the benefits.

After putting it to the test, we've found that this maintenance schedule can vary based on individual needs, but typically, 1-3 sessions per week are sufficient to keep your skin and body in top condition.

How Long Should You Do Red Light Therapy For?

Session length can vary depending on your goals and the device you're using. Typically, sessions last between 10 to 20 minutes. If you're new to red light therapy, start with shorter sessions, around 5 to 10 minutes, to see how your skin reacts.

best time of day to use red light therapy


Gradually increase the duration as you get more comfortable with the treatment. For specific concerns or deeper therapeutic benefits, longer sessions may be more effective.

Always follow the guidelines provided with your device and monitor your skin's response to adjust the session length as needed. In our experience, regular, appropriately timed sessions can help you achieve and maintain optimal results.


The best time of day for red light therapy depends on your personal goals. Morning sessions can boost energy and enhance performance, while evening sessions can promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.

Using red light therapy before skincare products ensures maximum light penetration, and it's safe to use every day. For most people, 3-5 sessions per week, each lasting 10 to 20 minutes, is ideal. Remember, consistency is key to seeing the best results.

Ready to experience the benefits of red light therapy? Explore our range of high-quality, at-home red light therapy devices at Infraredi today and start your journey to better skin and overall wellness. 

Best Time of Day for Red Light Therapy (FAQs)


Can I use my phone while doing red light therapy?

Yes, you can use your phone during red light therapy sessions. However, we recommend taking this time to relax and minimize distractions for the best experience.

Can I use Retinol after doing red light therapy?

Yes, you can use retinol after red light therapy. In fact, red light therapy can enhance the absorption of skincare products, including retinol.

Is red light therapy safe for all skin types?

Yes, red light therapy is generally safe for all skin types. However, if you have sensitive skin or any skin conditions, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment.

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