Best Time to Do Red Light Therapy

best time to do red light therapy

Red light therapy offers an effective solution for various health and skin conditions by harnessing the power of low-level red light.

This article will guide you on the best times to use red light therapy to maximize its benefits. We'll explore whether to use it in the morning or evening and how to align your sessions with natural sunlight. We'll discuss how to apply it to your face, how long to use it, and effective home use strategies.

Let's dive into optimizing your red light therapy sessions for the best results.

What this article covers:

When Is the Best Time to Use Red Light Therapy?

Finding the optimal time for red light therapy can accentuate its benefits, whether you're seeking energy in the morning or relaxation in the evening. Here, we'll explore the ideal times and explain why timing matters for your therapy sessions.

Should I Use Red Light Therapy In The Morning Or At Night?

If you struggle with waking up or need an extra push to start your day, morning sessions might be ideal. This practice can improve mood and increase energy levels, helping you to feel more productive throughout the day.

In contrast, evening use can be particularly beneficial for those looking to unwind. Red light therapy can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, making it easier to transition into a restful night's sleep.

This can be especially helpful if you have trouble sleeping or experience anxiety before bed.

For the best medical-grade red light therapy devices, look no further than Infraredi. Our red light therapy devices help reduce pain, improve skin health, and enhance overall well-being.

Using medical-grade LEDs, these devices emit low-level red light to penetrate the skin, promoting cellular regeneration and reducing inflammation.

red light morning or night

Sunlight Timing For Red Light Therapy

Based on our observations timing your red light therapy sessions around natural sunlight can maximize the benefits. Morning sessions can help mimic the natural light exposure that regulates your body's internal clock.

This can be especially effective if you have limited access to natural sunlight due to your location or lifestyle.

Alternatively, using red light therapy during sunset hours can also be beneficial. This timing aligns with the body's natural decline in light exposure, helping to signal the end of the day and prepare your body for rest.

Can We Use Red Light Therapy Anytime?

While red light therapy can be used at various times throughout the day, the key is consistency. Regular use is important for experiencing the full benefits.

You can tailor your sessions to fit your schedule. However, it's important to note that individual responses to red light therapy can vary. Some might find it stimulating, while others might find it relaxing.

Experimenting with different times can help you determine what works best for your body and lifestyle.

When Is The Best Time To Use Red Light Therapy On My Face?

For the best red light therapy for face, we recommend morning sessions. This can help wake up your skin, giving it a refreshed and energized appearance.

Evening sessions, on the other hand, can help your skin recover and rejuvenate after a long day. This is an excellent time to use red light therapy if you want to promote cellular repair overnight.

The Infraredi LED Light Therapy Mask offers a targeted approach to facial skincare. Utilizing advanced red light therapy, this mask aims to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and improve skin elasticity.

is it better to use red light therapy in the morning or at night

By enhancing collagen production and improving skin tone, it provides a convenient and effective way to achieve a radiant, youthful complexion from the comfort of your home.

How Long Should I Use Red Light Therapy On My Face?

For optimal results, sessions should last between 10 to 20 minutes. This duration is sufficient to allow the red light to penetrate your skin and stimulate the necessary biological processes without causing any discomfort or overstimulation.

Starting with shorter sessions and gradually increasing the duration can help your skin adjust to the therapy.

Using red light therapy on your face 3 to 5 times a week can provide noticeable improvements in skin texture, tone, and overall appearance.

How Long For Wrinkles?

When targeting wrinkles, red light therapy sessions should also last between 10 to 20 minutes. It's essential to focus on the areas with the most concern, like around the eyes, forehead, and mouth.

Noticeable improvements typically occur after several weeks of consistent use.

For the best results, it's recommended to continue red light therapy for at least 8 to 12 weeks. This extended period allows the skin to undergo significant regenerative processes, leading to smoother and more youthful-looking skin.

How to Use Red Light Therapy At Home

First, make sure that you have a quality device with medical-grade LEDs for effective treatment. The Infraredi red light therapy full body wrap provides a comprehensive red light therapy experience, ideal for full-body treatment.

It uses a combination of 660nm red light and 880nm infrared light to penetrate the skin, muscles, and joints.

This helps reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, and alleviate pain, making it a perfect solution for extensive muscle recovery and skin improvement. It offers some of the best red light therapy for back pain.

what time of day to use red light therapy

Set up your device in a comfortable location where you can relax during your session. A final tip: start with clean, dry skin to maximize the therapy's effectiveness.

Red Light Therapy and Circadian Rhythms

Our research indicates that red light therapy can influence your circadian rhythms, which regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Morning exposure to red light can help reset your internal clock.

This morning boost can enhance your alertness and mood throughout the day.

Staying Cool For Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy devices can generate some heat, so ensuring proper ventilation and using a fan can help keep the room cool. This is particularly important if you are using the therapy for longer sessions or larger body areas.

Wearing lightweight, breathable clothing can help prevent overheating. Similarly, staying hydrated before and after your session can also help regulate your body temperature.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I apply to my skin before red light therapy?

Before starting a red light therapy session, it's essential to clean your skin to remove any makeup, lotions, or oils. This helps the light penetrate your skin effectively without any barriers.

What should I apply to my skin after red light therapy?

After your red light therapy session, your skin may feel warm and slightly flushed. It's a good idea to apply a soothing and hydrating product, like a moisturizer or a serum rich in antioxidants. Aloe vera gel is also a popular choice due to its cooling and hydrating properties.

red light therapy morning or night

How long for red light therapy?

Our findings show that sessions should last up to 20 minutes. For facial treatments, starting with 10-minute sessions is often sufficient. For more extensive areas or deeper issues, like muscle pain or inflammation, longer sessions of up to 20 minutes may be more effective.

Is it okay to use red light therapy every day?

Using red light therapy every day is generally safe, especially if you keep the sessions within the recommended duration. However, listen to your body and watch for any signs of irritation or overuse.


Optimal timing enhances red light therapy benefits, whether you're seeking morning energy or evening relaxation.

We've discussed the best times to use red light therapy, specific recommendations for facial treatments, and tips for effective home use, including maintaining consistency and aligning sessions with natural light.

Visit Infraredi for high-quality red light therapy devices and elevate your self-care regimen.

If you want to learn more, why not check out these articles below:

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